The similarities expand to their mercenaries (workers? we don’t know why these people are with Vvulf).

The Heir, on the other side, is an awful boss who, without qualms, sends their mercenaries on missions with minimal preparation, sends them to stressful situations, sees them suffering from illness and does nothing about it or perhaps even actively tries to get them sick, or even hires newbies with the sole intention of sending them to their death. Similarly, Vvulf guards every single one of the bandits on his fight. While the Heir works from the shadows and orchestrates the missions, Vvulf jumps head first into action alongside his men.

Instead of rebuilding and reclaming the Hamlet, he tries to take something that is not his and destroy it. Excluding the Darkest Dungeon and the DLC areas, the boss that is the greatest foil to the Heir is hands down Brigand Vvulf: